The installation software is supplied on a USB drive (USB stick, flash drive). Updates can also be downloaded from Rheonics website, contact support.
Open the folder on the USB drive to view files. If the system asks whether to repair the disk, select the “Open without repairing” option. Before proceeding, copy the files to a folder on your computer, and remove the USB stick and put it in a secure place.
The newly created installation folder will contain the following Setup files. Execute the RCPSetup_Vx.x.x.x_full.exe file.
The following procedure explains the full installation of the RCP software:
- Double click on “RCPSetup_Vx.x.x.x_full.exe” to start the installation process.
- The installer will start the Setup Wizard Application. Click “Next” to continue the installation process.
- A dialog will appear to select the installation directories. Use the default, unless there is a reason to select a different location, and click “Next”:
- Click check box to create a Desktop shortcut, and click “Next”:
- Click “Install” to complete the installation process of RCP
- The installer will extract the files in the default destination.
- When the files are copied. The wizard will display the message "installing LabVIEW runtime engine". This will prompt a new window with the "NI Package Manager" software.
- If you get the window below, it means that LabVIEW Runtime Engine is already installed. Click the X at the top right of the window to close it and continue from step 12. Otherwise follow the instructions from step 9.
- Accept the license agreement
- In the install summary, the LabVIEW 2019 runtime should be listed. Click "Next" to continue.
- A progress bar will indicate the state of the install. At the end of the install process, it will prompt to reboot. DO NOT REBOOT AT THIS POINT, CLOSE THE WINDOW BY CLICKING THE "x" ON THE TOP RIGHT CORNER.
12. The installer will display the message "Installing VISA runtime engine", with a progress bar
13. A window will display a list of items to install. Click on the "Deselect All" button and click "Next".
14. If the window below is displayed, then VISA runtime is already installed in your system. Click on the X at the top right corner of the window, and ignore the steps below.
15. Afterwards, the list of items that will be installed is presented. Make sure that the "NI-Visa Runtime" is present, and click "Next"
16. Accept the Visa install license agreement and click "Next"
17. Wait for the files to be installed in the system.
18. If you get prompted with this window, click "No".
19. The installer will prompt to reboot the system. YOU SHOULD REBOOT TO FINISH THE INSTALL.
RCP Software and its required dependency LabVIEW runtime and NI-VISA runtime are now installed and RCP is ready for use.
Installed an old version and looking to update to new version:
If you have installed an old version of RCP, and want to do an update for a new version, You could use the "RCP_Lite_VX.X.X.X.exe" installer provided by Rheonics and skip the full install. Check the solution article - Installing RCP Lite Installer