The Rheonics SME (Electronics) comes with the ability to store measurement data on an internal logger.
Measurement and diagnostics data is stored on the card giving access to the last 1 year of data. The onboard data logger can be configured to store data for even longer periods and at adjustable duty cycle.
Log files can be downloaded from the internal logger using ftp client or through RCP software.
1. Sensor electronics
2. RCP installed and operational on the PC
3. RCP connected to the Sensor electronics to see the logfiles and download them
4. Microsoft Excel installed on the PC to use the EXPORT functionality from RCP
Downloading LOG files using RCP software
Start RCP software.
Go to LOGGER tab on the software.
This tab allows you to transfer from the SMET, the different type of log files that are kept in memory. Also, you can use the “Update Sensor” function to upgrade the SMET firmware.
Logger: In-Built Historian:
- Click the “Refresh”
button to populate the different file names according to it’s type. The name format corresponds with the date the file was created. This is, every day a set of new files is created.
- Measurement logs; contains the measurement processed by the SMET in a csv format.
- Sensor logs; contains the sensor measurements ASCII string with relevant sensor information.
- Calibration Logs; These files store the calibration information, as parameters calibrated and coefficients.
- Diagnostics Logs: Relevant sensor and electronics diagnostics information for rheonics support.
After refreshing, check the files you wish to download. You can navigate to older files using “Next” button, and return to most recent using “Prev” Button.
Click “Download” to start downloading the seleceted files. You will be prompted to select the target folder where the files will be stored and get a notification after successful or unsuccessful transfer. When RCP is connected over USB, you also see a status bar showing the progress of the download. When RCP is connected over Ethernet, you do not see a progress bar but will get a notification window at the completion (and a message whether the transfer was successful or failed).
- Click the “Clear All”
button to uncheck ALL the selected files.
- Click “Open Folder”
to open the target folder that contains the downloaded logfiles.
Export files to Excel:
Use this button to export the SMET measurement logfiles and the RCP logfiles to Microsoft excel. By clicking this button, a file dialog will prompt you to choose a file to export. The files available will be of the -P type (corresponding to downloaded SMET measurement logfiles), or of the type “Filename_log.txt”, where “Filename” is the name of a RCP measurements logfile created on a previous run.
- For -P files, the software will export on the first two columns the date and time of each data sample on UTC and local time, respectively. Other columns will display the measured values of all the measurement parameters.
- For RCP logfiles, RCP will copy the data of the logfile and assign each csv column into an excel column with no further modifications.
Video Tutorial
The video below shows accessing the logfiles, downloading them and exporting them to excel using the inbuilt export functionality.
Note: Ensure RCP is connected to the sensor over USB or Ethernet. You can see the files on the onboard Logger only when the RCP is connected. (Status light is green in Setting tab)
Note: To use export function to excel, you need to have excel installed on the PC. Export function will not work otherwise.
LOG file structure
The SMET SD card continuously logs the sensor data and other relevant information for customers and support. These files are created daily, including the date as part of the name in the format:
YY – Last two digit of the year.
MM - Two-digit Month number (00-12)
DD – Two-Digit Day of the month (00-31)
X – File type. Can have any of these values: “P”, for measurement file, “A” for sensor file, “C” for calibration file, “O” for support file.
Date is used using GMT+0, so the file will start at a different local time. Below you will see method to export the logfile with your local time.
Measurements Log File (-P)
The measurements log file contains the values of all the calculated measurement parameters from the SMET. There are 22 parameters in total and each parameter has associated four different values:
- Scaled/calibrated value
- Unscaled/Uncalibrated value
- Parameter status
- Parameter private status.
The first element of the row is the Unix timestamp at which the sample was taken.
The last two elements in the row are the sensor status and the Pressure value.
Therefore, a common measurement string is of the form:
1601819013: ;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;1.001232;1.001232;0000;0000;18.82;18.82;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;1.001232;1.001232;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;1.001232;1.001232;0000;0000;18.83;18.83;0000;0000;7526.42;7526.42;0000;0000;7526.42;7526.42;0000;0000;1.18;1.18;0000;0000;nan;nan;0001;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;1.00;1.00;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0000;0000;2.03;2.03;0000;0000;18.83;18.83;0000;0000;0.00;0.00;0200;0000;nan;nan;0003;0000;nan;nan;0003;0000;0000;1.00
- Unix timestamp
- Parameter 1 – Scaled Value; Unscaled Value; Parameter Status; Parameter Private Status
- Parameter 2…
- Parameter 22
- Sensor Status
- Pressure
Each parameter has a specific measurement associated with it. Table below describes the measurement/parameter assignment. Not all parameters may be accessible or active on your units.
Index | Parameter |
0 | viscosity median / 5 points |
1 | density median / 5 points |
2 | temperature median / 5 points |
3 | Kinematic Viscosity |
4 | density average / 5 points |
5 | V - viscosity raw |
6 | D - density raw |
7 | T - temperature raw |
8 | f - resonant frequency (Hz) |
9 | fc - compensated resonant frequency (Hz) |
10 | df - damping (Hz) |
11 | Tc - Coil temperature (°C) |
12 | viscosity median and last good |
13 | density median and last good |
14 | Displays of mapped value from Modbus register 512 |
15 | Displays of mapped value from Modbus register 514 |
16 | Displays of mapped value from Modbus register 516 |
17 | Te – Estimated Temperature |
18 | Tp- Temperature from PT1000 sensor |
19 | Parameter calculated from scripting 0 - calc. Viscosity |
20 | Parameter calculated from scripting 1 - calc. Density |
21 | Parameter calculated from scripting 2 - concentration |
22 | Sensor cleanliness value |
Table 1. Parameters list
The parameter status can take any of the following values, or an “OR” between them.
Bit | Hex | Name | Comment |
Bit 0 | 0x0001 | General error | This bit is always set in case there is an issue with the parameter. It is something the general user or application programmer can use. For details check the other bits |
Bit 1 | 0x0002 | Config error | The parameter is not configured or there exists a configuration error. |
Bit 2 | 0x0004 | Hardware error | The parameter can't be calculated as the hardware returns an error. |
Bit 3 | 0x0008 | Dependent error | A parameter source for a dependent parameter is not available. |
Bit 4 | 0x0010 | Not ready | No result is yet available. Example: No measurement has been taken yet. The algorithm requires a run-in time |
Bit 5 | 0x0020 | Internal error | Internal error - Report to Rheonics Example: Lack of resources |
Bit 6 | 0x0040 | Calibration Error | |
Bit 7 | 0x0080 | Further use | |
Bit 8 | 0x0100 | Parameter Calibrated | Triggered when parameter is calibrated by user |
Bit 9 | 0x0200 | Further use | |
Bit 10 | 0x0400 | Further use | |
Bit 11 | 0x0800 | Not stable | Parameter result not yet stable Example: Set for example on viscosity if sensor status is not okay. |
Bit 12 | 0x1000 | Warning lower | Below lower warning limit (if configured for parameter) |
Bit 13 | 0x2000 | Warning upper | Above upper warning limit (if configured for parameter) |
Bit 14 | 0x4000 | Alarm lower | Below alarm limit (depending on parameter type) |
Bit 15 | 0x8000 | Alarm upper | Above alarm limit (depending on parameter type) |
Table 2 Parameter Status Description
The parameter internal status can take any of the following values OR a combination of it.
Bit | Hex | Name |
Bit 4 | 0x0010 | Temp Too High |
Bit 5 | 0x0020 | Temp Too Low |
Bit 6 | 0x0040 | Pressure Too High |
Bit 7 | 0x0080 | Pressure Too Low |
Table 3 Parameter Internal Status
Sensor status can take any of these values OR a combination of it.
Bit | Hex | Name | Comment |
Bit 0 | 0x0001 | PLL frequency mismatch | The PLL frequency does not match the sensor frequency. Derived from the ASB string (E10) |
Bit 1 | 0x0002 | PLL not locked | The PLL is not locked. Derived from the ASB string (E01) |
Bit 2 | 0x0004 | PLL lock incorrect | The PLL has locked on a wrong frequency. Derived from the ASB string (E02) |
Bit 3 | 0x0008 | ASB communication error |
Bit 4 | 0x0010 | Temperature sensor error | The temperature sensor has error. Contact rheonics support if it persists. |
Bit 5 | 0x0020 | Sensor too hot | If temperature is above the sensor physical temperature limit. |
Bit 6 | 0x0040 | ASB communication error |
Bit 7 | 0x0080 | Serial Changed |
Bit 8 | 0x0100 | Status not clean | Sensor is not clean. |
Bit 9 | 0x0200 | Status in Air | Determines if sensor is in air |
Bit 10 -15 | Unused |
Table 4. Sensor Status
Detailed logfiles structures are also referred in the manual on Rheonics Software Logging.
SRV inline viscometer sensor manual
SRD inline viscometer sensor manual
DVP inline HPHT viscosity and density probe manual
DVM HPHT viscosity and density module manual
Rheonics Viscosity and Density products portfolio