1. When I order the sensor, Have I already purchased PROFINET?
No, you will need to order the PROFINET communication protocol prior to the shipment of the sensor. To order the PROFINET communication protocol remember to check the C9-PROFINET option on the RFQ page. PROFINET is available on all Rheonics standard viscosity and density meters. The video below shows the steps to be followed to add PROFINET to the device configuration:
2. Can I order PROFINET after a sensor is shipped?
Yes, communication protocols like Profinet can be ordered later. Contact Rheonics sales to order.
3. Cabling
In this article, we are explaining which hardware and configuration are essential for a successful PROFINET implementation. Rheonics Sensors with PROFINET protocol enabled will allow 100 Mbps, full duplex communication.
The physical layers for PROFINET ethernet cables in factory automation application areas are based on 4/2/1-pair Ethernet infrastructure but also other ethernet cables that will comply with the PROFINET protocol could be used like standard ethernet cables or ruggedized ethernet cables.[1]
Cabling options:
Standard Ethernet cable options with cat 5, 5e, Cat 6, 6a, or Cat 7 cables, would meet the requirements based on the achievable speed of 100Mbps in 100 meters, still, specifications must be verified by the integrator.
UTP Category | Data Rate | Application | Max.Length |
CAT5 | 100Mbps | FastEthernet | 100m |
CAT5e | 1Gbps | FastEthernet | 100m |
CAT6 | 10Gbps | Gigabit Ethernet | 100m |
CAT6a | 10Gbps | Gigabit Ethernet | 100m |
CAT7 | 10Gbps | Gigabit Ethernet | 100m |
Industrial Ethernet cable: Ruggedized Ethernet cables, built for the factory floor.
Figure 3. Ruggedized ethernet cable [2]
PROFINET ethernet cables: Industrial Ethernet cables that often come with a green jacket, and
comply with ruggedized specifications that have been standardized by PI.
The selection of the Ethernet cable is up to the integrator, but an Ethernet cable that complies with transmission speeds of 100Mbps is enough.
4. GSDML File
Rheonics provides a “GSDML” file that can be used with different controllers which are PROFINET compatible. PROFINET uses XML data description language which supports a data structure and multiple languages. The XML structure allows the file to be checked against a standard PROFINET schema file to determine that its content and structure are valid. And this helps when importing into an engineering tool to ensure the file is imported correctly. Also contained in the file name is the version of the GSD specification that the file adheres to, the vendor name, device family, and date. Download our GSDML file here: https://support.rheonics.com/en/support/solutions/articles/81000401423-profinet-gsd-file-for-rheonics-inline-viscometer-and-density-meter

5. Addressing PROFINET networks
Rheonics PROFINET Devices use a combination of Media Access Control (MAC) addressing and Internet Protocol (IP) addressing for network addressing. Each device must have a unique name, MAC address, and IP address to be identified on the network and this configuration can be done through the RCP software https://support.rheonics.com/en/support/solutions/articles/81000397449-connecting-your-sme-using-ethernet. [4]
A PROFINET device must also have a unique "station name", and code this symbolic name as a data type OctetString with 1 to 240 bytes. In this case, the syntax is as follows:
Labels consist of [a-z 0-9] only lowercase letters.
Labels do NOT start or end with [-] nor
If labels are NOT used, 63 bytes is the maximum Device Name length(This value can vary from device to device).
All Rheonics sensors have a default name with the format “sensor type-sensor serial number” which is allowed in PROFINET networks.
▪Simple device name: "srv-b11-0103"
▪Not valid name: "SRV_b11-0103" (no uppercase, no underline)
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